Blog 3B Time Lapse of Sewing Pleats; 18 down, 12 to go...

Blog 3B Time Lapse of Sewing Pleats; 18 down, 12 to go...

YouTube Link: Blog 3B 

18 pleats sewn, 12 to go.... On a Black Isle Tartan Kilt. It's a Custom Traditional Hand Sewn Kilt.

Time Lapse of sewing the middle of the back pleats. Time consuming process,  Spiral stitch so it will not pop.  The reason for the difference is a Spiral stitch has a much higher tensile strength.  A straight stitch has a much lower rating, this is why Machine Sewn kilts can fail. Hand Sewn Kilts are much stronger.


June 21, 2016 — Sean Barrett
Blog #3: Black Isles Tartan kilt, pleats only 12 to go.

Blog #3: Black Isles Tartan kilt, pleats only 12 to go.

18 Pleats stitched down on the Black Isles Tartan Kilt. 12 to go...
June 21, 2016 — Susan Rose
Blog # 2   1st Youtube 1st set of pleats being sewn in.

Blog # 2 1st Youtube 1st set of pleats being sewn in.

Check out the YouTube Video of the 1st set of pleats being sewn in.  A 1:05 second time lapse of the the first few pleats of a Kilt going in on a MacFarlane Black and White Tartan Kilt.


June 21, 2016 — Sean Barrett
Blog #1  Rules For Scottish Uniform Regulations

Blog #1 Rules For Scottish Uniform Regulations

Reposted from Facebook March 4, 2016

No1 dress uniform  Kilt

"I get so very many questions on Rules for Scottish Uniform Regulations.  So on My website you can access the regulations. 

I am Posting this, so if you are trying to be accurate in "Dress and Deportment". The answers are accessible. 


Link to Rules for Scottish Uniform Regulations:  Here

June 21, 2016 — Sean Barrett